Month: April 2012

  • The Beginning of our Journey to Parenthood

    6 days after my last post, Hubbie and myself found out that we were going to be parents sometime this year. The only reason why I thought I was pregnant wasn't because I had the morning sickness signs or that I missed my period for the last 2 months.

    A few days before we did the good old pee test on a stick, Hubbie had made Greek salad for dinner. I like Greek salad but for some reason I took a deep whiff of the salad and immediately pushed it away. At first I thought I was just coming down with something (the usual cold, flu, sore throat) but something told me that it was more than me being sick. I haven't been sleeping well (going to bed at 9.30-10pm and waking up every hour between 2am to 6am) and being turned off by food just by their smell was the big telling sign. I'm a big girl and like my Hubbie likes to tell me, I'm FLUFFY. How did i get FLUFFY? My love for food. I love food. I love that I could enjoy most food and eat them very willingly. So being turned off by the smell of my favourite food set off alarm bells. A few days later I peed on the stick and the little screen showed me the little blue positive sign. Yep, I was pregnant. I walked the stick to Hubbie and showed him the result.

    Hubbie : "Well, looks like Wifey is pregnant." 

    Me : [long pause] "I don't know how I feel about this."

    Hubbie : [laugh] "Looks like the craft room is going to be turned into a Nursery now."

    Me : "Erm, shouldn't we wait till we get the official result from the doctor before we make plans like that?"

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